Molecular dynamics with GPU containers


Teaching: 5 min
Exercises: 10 min
  • Get started with Nvidia GPU containers for HPC applications

Run a molecular dynamics simulation on a GPU with containers

For our example we are going to use Gromacs, a quite popular molecular dynamics package, among the ones that have been optimised to run on GPUs through Nvidia containers.

First, let us cd into demos/05_gromacs, and ensure that $SIFPATH is defined:

cd $ERNZ20/demos/05_gromacs

Now, let’s verify that the container image has been correctly downloaded:

ls $SIFPATH/gromacs*

The current directory has got sample input files picked from the collection of Gromacs benchmark examples. In particular, we’re going to use the subset water-cut1.0_GMX50_bare/1536/. First let’s gunzip one of the required input files:

gunzip conf.gro.gz

In theory, all we should need to do from a Singularity perspective to run a GPU application from a container is to add the runtime flag --nv. This will make Singularity look for the Nvidia drivers in the host, and mount them inside the container.

However, at NeSI (as at many other HPC centres) we have installed the Nvidia drivers and libraries in non-standard locations, so some additional steps are required.

On the host system side, when running GPU applications through Singularity the only requirement consists of the Nvidia driver for the relevant GPU card (the corresponding file is typically called<VERSION>).

Do not execute the following commands, let us just have a look at them.

GPU resources are usually made available in HPC systems through schedulers, to which Singularity natively and transparently interfaces. So, for instance let us have a look in the current directory at the Slurm batch script called

#!/bin/bash -l
#SBATCH --job-name=gpu
#SBATCH --gres=gpu:1
#SBATCH --ntasks=1
#SBATCH --mem=1G
#SBATCH --time=00:15:00

# so that the srun's below don't inhert --export=

# load environment modules
module load Singularity CUDA

# path to SIF

# singularity command with required arguments
# "-B /cm/local/apps/cuda" and "-B ${EBROOTCUDA}" are required for the
# container to access the host CUDA drivers and libs
SINGULARITY="$(which singularity) exec --nv -B ${PWD}:/host_pwd \
  -B /cm/local/apps/cuda -B ${EBROOTCUDA} --pwd /host_pwd ${SIF}"

# extend container LD_LIBRARY_PATH so it can find CUDA libs
OLD_PATH=$(${SINGULARITY} printenv | grep LD_LIBRARY_PATH | awk -F= '{print $2}')

# run Gromacs preliminary step with container
    gmx grompp -f pme.mdp

# Run Gromacs MD with container
    gmx mdrun -ntmpi 1 -nb gpu -pin on -v -noconfout -nsteps 5000 -s topol.tpr -ntomp 1

Basically, we have just combined the Slurm command srun with singularity exec <..>, with a few additional steps to enable Singularity to locate the Nvidia drivers and libraries on the host. We can submit the script with:

sbatch --account=nesi99991 --reservation=jupyter

Running this example on NeSI

The job will take a few minutes to complete and we only have a couple of GPUs available for this workshop, so you may wait in the queue for a while. Check your job status with:

$ squeue -u $USER

Nvidia GPU Cloud, a useful resource

The GPU manufacturer Nvidia has a dedicated web registry for container images, shipping GPU optimised applications:

You can browse the available containerised packages through the various category boxes. E.g. click on the High Performance Computing box, then click on the >Gromacs one.

NeSI also has documentation for running NGC containers on our platforms:

Key Points

  • You can run containerised GPU applications using the flag --nv

  • Singularity transparently interfaces with HPC schedulers such as Slurm