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Essential building blocks v0.9 - 20230918 NZRSE23 (Draft)


This is our first release of essential building blocks for cloud native services. Please see TBD for more information on how to gain access.

Services and features


On-demand instances available for computational needs

  • Launch and manage compute instances
  • Wide range of scale and three different flavours avaialble for tailored needs

Volume storage

Highly scalable persistant storage options

  • Mount volume storage to any compute instance
  • Option to encrypt the volume for added security


Network management for your solution, built on high speed REANNZ network

  • Set up and manage network configurations
  • Pool of public IP addresses available for use


Image repository for managing images that can be used with compute

  • Common operating systems are available and maintained by NeSI
  • Upload and manage custom images for your project or wider community


Identity management service

  • Create and manage application credentials


  • Programmable environment with API based access to all of the above features
  • Dashboard for user friendly GUI based interactions
  • Utilising OpenStack technology to provide interoperability

Known issues

  • Custom image upload feature is currently not working on the dashboard