Multiple threaded BLAST and local database copy¶
How to find the size of a BLAST database associated with BLASTDB
- using nr
as an example
Run module show for the BLASTDB module and look for the path starting with /opt/nesi.. under setenv .i.e.
$ module show BLASTDB/2024-01
whatis("Description: BLAST databases downloaded from NCBI.")
Now run the following find command pointing to that path and use nr
prefix for -name nr.*
. ( You can use the same command for other databases by replacing nr with the required prefix such as nt, etc
Option 1. local copy on Memory¶
For jobs which need more than 24 CPU-hours, eg: those that use large databases (> 10 GB) or large amounts of query sequence (> 1 GB), or slow BLAST searches such as classic blastn (blastn -task blastn).
This script copies the BLAST database into the per-job temporary directory $TMPDIR
before starting the search. Since compute nodes do not have local disks, this database copy is in memory, and so must be allowed for in the memory requested by the job
#!/bin/bash -e
#SBATCH --job-name BLAST
#SBATCH --time 02:30:00
#SBATCH --mem 120G # 30 GB plus the database
#SBATCH --ntasks 1
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task 36 # half a node
module load BLAST/2.13.0-GCC-11.3.0
module load BLASTDB/2024-01
# This script takes one argument, the FASTA file of query sequences.
FORMAT="6 qseqid qstart qend qseq sseqid sgi sacc sstart send staxids sscinames stitle length evalue bitscore"
BLASTOPTS="-task blastn"
# Keep the database in RAM
cp $BLASTDB/{$DB,taxdb}.* $TMPDIR/
$BLASTAPP $BLASTOPTS -db $DB -query $QUERIES -outfmt "$FORMAT" \
Option 2. Local copy on milan partition local SSD¶
- NeSI Mahuika cluster
partition compute nodes comes with local NVMe SSDs which can host up to ~1.5TB of data during runtime - Base Slurm script will be very similar to above with following two Slurm variables
- Also we can lower the memory to Blast operational requirements
#!/bin/bash -e
#SBATCH --job-name BLAST
#SBATCH --time 02:30:00
#SBATCH --mem 120G # 30 GB plus the database
#SBATCH --ntasks 1
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task 64 # half a node
#SBATCH --mem 60G
#SBATCH --partition milan
#SBATCH --gres ssd
module load BLAST/2.13.0-GCC-11.3.0
module load BLASTDB/2024-01
# This script takes one argument, the FASTA file of query sequences.
FORMAT="6 qseqid qstart qend qseq sseqid sgi sacc sstart send staxids sscinames stitle length evalue bitscore"
BLASTOPTS="-task blastn"
# Keep the database in RAM
cp $BLASTDB/{$DB,taxdb}.* $TMPDIR/
$BLASTAPP $BLASTOPTS -db $DB -query $QUERIES -outfmt "$FORMAT" \